Bioroboost: standardising synthetic biology

If you crack open a TV, your laptop or your phone, you’ll see that their parts look very similar: resistances, capacitors, transistors… You could take some of these parts, use them in another device, and they would work! Although it seems natural now, this standardisation was everything but spontaneous. It took (and still takes) a [...]

By |2020-02-24T15:37:41+01:00February 24th, 2020|R4B meets other projects|0 Comments

January Top10 BactToTheFuture stories

1. A farewell to antibiotic-resistant #bacteria! 🦠🚫 This new plastic film could keep these microbes off surfaces 👇 Most bacteria are harmless but there are a few species that can infect us and make us ill. These potentially dangerous microbes can become a real headache for professionals working in restaurants or hospitals, where an [...]

By |2020-02-05T10:12:10+01:00February 5th, 2020|BactToTheFuture|0 Comments


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