R4B microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis

Do you want to learn more about the two main characters of our investigation? Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, two different microbes with different features that we summarized in our new poster infographics. Discover more about these fascinating microorganisms at a glance! This month is time for Bacillus!

By |2018-10-16T11:52:19+02:00October 16th, 2018|R4B Biotechnology, R4B news, R4B Stories|0 Comments

New hazards require innovative solutions: preparing the next generation of antibiotics

Gonorrhoea, tuberculosis, salmonellosis… Not so long ago, illnesses like these were fatal. Antibiotics allowed us to treat them, but the overuse we have been doing of these drugs has a downside: bacteria have become so used to the antibiotics that they have developed defence mechanisms against them. As a result, some of these diseases have [...]

By |2018-07-17T11:24:00+02:00March 14th, 2018|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments

Academia vs Industry: when a good idea isn’t enough

The path from academia to industry is riddled with obstacles: business plans, funding schemes, market studies... Spin-off companies tread this trail, and hopefully develop a commercial product that exploits the discoveries made by academics. But good science does not necessarily mean fruitful business. And to illustrate this transition we talked with Dr. Veronika Stepankova, CEO [...]

By |2018-02-15T10:49:08+01:00February 14th, 2018|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments

E. coli: A missunderstood bacterium with an incredible potential

When hearing the name E. coli most people get scared, as food poisoning, stomach pain or even death are some of the things that come to their mind. What many don’t’ know is that E. coli does not only refer to the famous pathogen but to many other strains of the same species that are [...]

By |2018-02-01T13:22:31+01:00January 17th, 2018|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments

Keep calm and express your proteins

If you have ever worked with proteins you know the struggle. You identify your gene of interest, design the perfect construct, send it out to be synthesized and wait for it to be delivered to you. After some weeks you receive it, insert it into your host cell and ta-dah! Your protein is not expressed [...]

By |2018-01-11T17:05:36+01:00December 18th, 2017|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments

Less genes, more answers. This is how minimal genomes can help us understand life and boost biotechnology.

Humans, like computers, are programmed. Our lifeblood is encoded in our DNA, a long helix of nucleic acids that contains our instructions. Combinations of four letters (A, C, G, and T) that give rise not only to us but to all the different organisms with one thing in common: life. Great progress has been made [...]

By |2017-11-17T11:34:22+01:00November 17th, 2017|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments

10 steps to turn your thesis into a biotech

Most young researchers spend hours in the laboratory working on their projects, troubleshooting, repeating experiments and optimising new methods until they collect enough results and can move forward with their research. If they are lucky they will even publish them in a nice journal. The results will be the key steps of the academic ladder [...]

By |2018-07-17T11:22:59+02:00September 20th, 2017|R4B Biotechnology, R4B Stories|0 Comments


This is the R4B blog. Here you will find all about the progress of our project and regular posts about the experience and expertise of our partners. If you are interested in learning about the power of Synthetic Biology, the amazing features of microorganisms and their biotechnological applications stay tuned and follow our updates!

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