Despite of being the shortest month of the year, february left us some memorable #Synbio stories! Here is our top 10 selection!

1 Mushrooms join the #SynBio world and produce new antibiotics to fight resistant #microbes! #AntibioticResistance

Resistance to antibiotics poses a major threat to public health, and thus scientists worldwide work to speed up the production of new antimicrobials. Researchers from the University of Bristol have developed a modern technology platform to fight these resistant pathogens. Combining synthetic biology and chemistry, they have managed to engineer fungi and transform them into tiny antibiotic-producing factories. Read More >

2 Companies worldwide are getting ready for the #BIO future! here is how!

Because there is nothing greener than nature, companies are turning to biology looking for sustainables alternatives to improve their businesses in an efficient and responsible way. From tissue printing or antibiotic production to animal-free leader and synthetic spider silk, biostrategies have found their place in the market. Read more >

3 Is #BIOeconomy the ultimate way to a sustainable future? There is nothing greener than biology!

It is precisely these companies that we were talking about, that can make a real impact in the sustainability of our future and thus, they will gather in October at SynBioBeta in San Francisco to discuss about energy, environment and the potential of the bioeconomy. You can still register! Read more >

4 Want to stay updated on the latest genetic editing trends? Check out this list of Nature’s most popular papers about CRISPR from 2017!

If you are interested in CRISPR don’t miss this selection of 2017 papers from Nature Research journals with all the highlight about this amazing gene editing tool. We witnessed lots of advances last year and we are sure that 2018 will bring much more! Read more >

5 Are cyanobacteria the future of sunscreen? Check out how these microbes can protect your skin and prevent sunburn!

The ultimate cosmetic trend? Cyanobacteria could be much more! The most sustainable sunscreen you could ever imagine: self renewable, using just sunlight and CO2 to grow and with no need to add any additional chemicals. These microbes are able to produce natural photo protectants and provide strong screening protection from UV radiation. Read more >

6 Think you’ve seen it all? What about these gold-pooping #bacteria? Turning toxic waste into precious metals!

The amazing metabolisms of these microbes is the real deal! 2 x 1! Not only are these bacteria able to digest toxic waste and help reduce metal pollution but they do so transforming this trash into precious gold. Read more >

7 Engineers vs. Biologists, what does #SynBio need?

Synthetic Biology blurs the lines between the biological, physical and virtual worlds and thus it needs experts from many different fields. From biologists to engineers, physicists or computer scientists, there is room for all of them in this promising field! Read more >

8 #DNA and electronics join forces to conquer Silicon Valley. The revolution of genetic circuits!

Like electronic components, DNA can build highly predictable genetic circuits. Engineering organisms with such predictability has an enormous potential and thus, genetic circuits have found their place in Silicon Valley Read more >

9 Stop editing, start printing! Is synthetic #DNA the future of #SynBio?

Although our ability to edit DNA is achieving unprecedented levels, many synthetic biologists think that it is becoming a thing of the past.Our capacity to design and synthesize new DNA molecules is beating the huge potential of DNA editing and boosting genetic engineering to a whole new level. Read more >

10  From poop to food in just two steps! This is how #Bacteria could revolutionize the future of space missions!

Room and resources are very limited on space missions and for this reason have come up with an idea to recycle waste and obtain food. The methane present in the feces of the astronauts can be converted by microbes into a carbon source to grow other edible bacteria to feed the space explorers! Read more >