Make sure you didn’t miss any of the best BactToTheFuture stories from September! Here you have the top10!
1.Design #Bacteria and help astronauts colonise Mars with this #SynBio game from @WellesleyHCI
Everyone knows that bacteria are very small organisms. What many don’t know is that they can produce pretty much anything we want them to! These two features confer them a huge potential to help us in space mission like colonising Mars.Take a few engineered bacteria with you and “grow” what you need while you are in space! With this idea in mind a group at Wellesley College HCI developed this great game BacToMars! A fun way to get the kids familiar with the potential of SynBio! Read more>
2.This is how #SynBio can help us understand infection and antibiotic resistance
Many clinicians think that antibiotics only work in dividing bacteria, and that thus, the non-dividing ones pose resistance problems. Researchers from the Wyss Institute in Boston wanted to test this hypothesis and they used this Synbio approach to do so: engineering bacteria with a genetic switch that acts as a color indicator for dividing bacteria, they were able to study the different proportions of dividing and dormant bacteria during the course of an infection and its antibiotic treatment in mice. They provided new and very useful insights about infection that could serve to guide new clinical approaches! Read more >
3.Good news for #Biotechs! #SynBio investments keep growing and here is a list of top companies & investors!
For all those in the biotech world or planning to move from the lab to the market, this is very useful information! The SynBio investments keep growing and at Global Engage they prepared this list with 146 top investors and companies! To the list >
4.It’s #FinallyFriday! Sit back & enjoy this inspiring #Synbio talk by @DrewEndy!
Social media is a very fast paced world but, every once in a while, is worth to take a break and dedicate some time to the information we find in them. This talk by Drew Endy is definitely worth it, 11 minutes of synbio inspiration! To the video>
5.Microbes everywhere! #Bacteria take over the “Pie of Life” in this new study
We have named about 1.5 million living species so far but we know there are many more aut there that we haven’t discovered. How many species are there actually in the world? And to which kingdom do they belong? There have been many attempts to assess the world’s biodiversity and this recent study puts bacteria at the very top of the list with 70 to 90% of the total species! Read more >
6.Tiny size & huge impact! Check out how microbial #biotechnology contributes to economic growth & employment creation
Microbes can help us produce countless products and thus they have a very big industrial potential. In this review, the authors discuss about the great impact that microorganisms have in biotechnology, and thus, in economic growth and employment generation.To the article>
7.If you want to learn how to engineer & program organ2. Lower bitterness & more flavour. Coffee fermented by #bisms check out this #SynBio course by the @MIT !
We want everyone to learn about SynBio and this edX course is a great chance to do so! In this programme organised by the MIT, experts from the field will teach you all about the latest DNA engineering techniques and the design of biological circuits. And did we mention that is free and online? There is no excuse not to learn about Synbio! Read more>
8.Design it. Fold it. Build it. The principles of DNA origami explained!
A,C,G,T. DNA is much more than just a sequence of nucleotides. This molecule of life has been so extensively studied that now we can read it, edit it and programme it to design entire new organisms. Some have even used it as a storage device and now it has also been explored as a new building material! This is DNA origami, and you can learn all about it here. Read more>
9.Artists & researchers are working together to find environmentally friendly alternatives to commercial dyes.
Bacteria get out of the lab and take over the fashion sector! This industry is heavily pollutant as it uses huge amount of water and produces high amount of petrochemical waste. Thus scientists and designers are joining forces to exploring the potential of bacteria to produce sustainable dyeing alternatives! Read more >
10.War zones, mines and #bacteria?An unconventional combination that could save millions of lives! #SynBio We love the applicabilities of bacteria but this really amazes us! This research project from Victor de Lorenzo’s lab explored the potential of P. putida as a living mine detector! engineering the bacterium to detect traces of TNT and glow! We hope this great idea is someday turned into reality! To the video >
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